Draw Balance Testing
This application is designed to allow game designers to test card distribution in a hand of cards. Once the application has run test hands, several analytics will be provided for balancing of decks tested with the application.
The application takes input of a comma-separated text file, parses the records within the submitted file, and then simulates repeated hand draws of cards. Each simluated hand is tracked for which card suits/types appear, with accumulated data gathered over the whole sample set.
How to use the application
Basic usage of the application is straightforward. Use the file input dialog to select the .csv from an accessible data source. Clicking on "Process File" will begin the simulation. When complete, the application will display the resulting analytics.
Some points to keep in mind:
- The tracking of draw results assumes that all like-named cards will be tracked as a single record. If individual cards with the same name need to be tracked separately, their names should be appended to make them unique.
- The default hand size is 5 cards.
- The default test count is 100,000.